Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bell Festival Then Annoying Stuff

I was at a handbell festival again - lots of fun, but achy muscles when I got back.  I've been going to these for many years and they're always good.  This year, I took 2 classes in Middle Eastern drumming using a djembe.  That was a lot of fun. 

The first rhythm we learned was IN the jungle there ARE NO kitty kittys.  Then there was a B section, then fillls and a "visual" where you put your elbow on the drum.  Then strung the whole thing together where some people played the fills, some rested, all kinds of mix-ups but it was fun and I want to learn more.

When I got home, I learned from my husband that a collection company was calling me about 4 cellphone numbers I supposedly had and hadn't paid for to the tune of $1400.  AACK

Monday night we heard from our insurance company that they weren't going to pay for my husband's surgery and followup.  They had paid then when they learned he also had Medicare, they got the money back from the doctors.  $14,000.  AAACK

Tuesday I was paying bills online and came across a whole slew of charges I didn't make.  Got the card closed and on Fraud Alert.  This one was only about $1200.


I hate to see what tomorrow brings.

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